Texas Estate Planning Attorney

Estate Planning That Fits Specific Needs and Objectives

When a person with significant assets passes away without a proper plan for the administration of the estate, a number of problems may arise. Issues concerning division of property, estate taxes, and excessive probate costs become more complicated than they would have been if the estate had been properly planned by an experienced estate planning lawyer.

The Houston law firm of Robert M. Mendell, Attorney at Law, P.C. can help you avoid these problems by developing an estate plan around your unique goals.

Attorney Robert M. Mendell: Comprehensive Estate Planning

Estate planning attorney, Robert M. Mendell, has more than 35 years of experience as a Texas lawyer and has substantial expertise in the field of estate planning, as well as Texas probate and estate administration law. His knowledge of the probate process enhances his estate planning practice.

  • As an Attorney CPA and a Board Certified Tax Lawyer, Mr. Mendell knows the financial and tax implications of the many estate planning options available. He helps clients create estate plans that are designed to provide asset protection and estate tax reduction.
  • In many cases, especially when the estate has high value or when a business is involved, our law firm develops the structure and detailed documents for a family limited partnership.
  • Every estate plan should include a will. Our law firm can help you set up trusts, including life insurance trusts, that help protect assets and assist in a seamless transfer to the beneficiary.

At our law firm, our estate planning clients receive personal attention and prompt service from the firm's attorneyContact our office by email or by calling